I'm Back!

It's been an amazing two years since I last wrote. My fingertips have been begging me to hit the keyboard! Well, they're on the keyboard all day at work but that's work stuff.

I actually had to hide all my previous blogs because some were so dark and brought back so many memories and feelings that I have worked hard to surpass and overcome these last few years and I am doing great! My apologies to my avid followers but there truly came a time when I had to stop and sort of disconnect. Writing has always been a huge part of my life and I have missed it tremendously!

These years have taken me on a weight loss journey and to Cozumel twice! There have been so many firsts for me and for the first time in my life, I finally love myself enough to accept the life I've been given and learn how to overcome negativity and adversity in my life with diversity and above all, happiness and love.

Some days I still struggle with depression. It is real! Doctors have always told me that once you are diagnosed with depression, you will have it your whole life. Their prescription has always been "happy" pills, but I have chosen to take a different approach to my depression. I have learned that when I find something that I love and dig deep into it, it takes away those feelings. Of course it's temporary but so is a pill. For the first time in a while, I can say that my body is clean from any prescription pills and I intend to keep it that way.

These days, I dive into my fitness. Some power walking or hitting the gym does it for me. I've lost roughly 85 pounds since February 2017 through diet and exercise and I'm not stopping there. I have some toning to do!

Anyway, what was the purpose of this blog? Just to reintroduce myself to my blog. I'm excited to write more and share happy feelings and the good things that are going on in my life.

Till next time! Cheers!


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