
Showing posts from November, 2018

What's in a Manual Anyway?

When things come up with my kids, I always think back to when I was that age. I think about the things that I did and said and the difference between my mother's reaction and my fathers reaction and how it all made me feel. While the love was always there from my dad, he had a hard shell and didn't tolerate a lot. This might be partial to the fact that I was the only girl. Perhaps he wasn't too sure what the right words were sometimes when things got tough with a teenage girl but he was great at showing affection. Watching him and my mother together for 26 years, he ultimately paved a path for me and taught me how a man should treat a woman. My mother was graceful and always took my feelings into consideration before reacting or responding. I can't remember many times that she raised her voice at us kids but always seemed to have the right advise. I admit, a lot of times I did what I wanted to do but hearing my mom talk to me and thinking in retrospect of the things